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New Highlight VIdeo:
Bloozey Rock
~San Diego~
"Bottoms Up" OUT NOW!!!
preview the single:
"No Easy Way DOwn"
The Lushes in action, on stage and off...

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bourbon st pic

By Max Kelly

bourbon st pic2
"Bottoms Up" OUT NOW!!!
preview the single:
"No Easy Way DOwn"
The Lushes love to ski.
No Easy Way Down is about ski town life.
Check out the new Ski promo video:
"You guys play great beer drinking music" -Tys, bartender at The Reunion, San Diego
Reviews from around the globe:
Ted Burgess: Drums. Chris Kelly: Guitar. Randy Mroczynski: Piano, Accordion. Derek von Zedeker: Bass. Prev Bass (always a lush): Chris Crepps, James Traer

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